Plant healing is usually less traumatic for shoots than toppings. Cannabis fimming  almost does not slow down growth and can stimulate the plant to form up to four main nodes in a single cut (“upper” half).

The feeling often does not lead to the formation of a symmetrical paired bet, as is the case with topping. The number of bets received becomes less predictable.

The newly created cola is not evenly spaced and is not connected to the stem in the same place. This may not matter to some manufacturers, but it is good for everyone to know.

cannabis fimming

Instead, to cut the plant, which can sometimes inadvertently climb to the top, cannabis growers often shred it between the plant’s upper fingers without removing parts of the leaves. Nevertheless, experts strongly recommend the direct removal of part of the plant. 

It is best to manipulate the bush when it has three to five nodes. While you can train with taller plants, it will still have a long main stem and your new cola will not be as flexible as the coles made from young, trained shrubs.

Cannabis Fimming leads to the point that the plant becomes very thick, and the other nodes become stronger, just like during topping. This method practically does not slow down the growth, since in its process a very small part of the plants is removed.

Keep in mind that when using cannabis fimming, the top of the plant will look a bit odd when it grows. it is normal!


  • THC (Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol)
  • A brief overview of Ivory
  • How to get high levels of THC in buds
  • Does this apply only to THC?
  • CBD (cannabidiol)
  • A brief overview of Ivory
  • How to get high levels of CBD in buds
  • List of several strains containing high levels of CBD
  • Does an increase in CBD-rich cannabis differ from a similarly high THC content?
  • How to grow CBD-rich hemp
  • Use the leaves
  • Other options for retrieval
  • Instead of rhetoric

This material, in addition to the expected comparison of the nature of the origin and the effect in effect, offers a non-standard perspective on the study of the issue. In this article, we also discuss the differences in cannabis growth between individual THCs and nabidoils.


THC is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana buds and mimics anandamide, a natural cannabinoid in the human brain.

cannabis fimming guidelines


Tetrahydrocannabinol has been scientifically proven to provide some positive health benefits, especially when combined with other cannabinoids. Among other features, we also note the following:

  • Has the strongest psychoactive effect;
  • Can evoke a sense of creativity, curiosity or delighted satisfaction;
  • Overdose allows anxiety, disorientation.
  • Relieves some types of pain;
  • Effective neuroprotector (prevents “aging” of the brain);
  • Promotes a changed perception of space-time.
  • The list can be expanded, but it is enough to make a general picture.


The proportion of THC in flowering plants is determined mainly by the strain, ie its genetics. In fact, all of this is pre-determined and it is unrealistic to achieve higher results than voiced by the manufacturer. The most popular strains today are initially high in THC, unless it is medical marijuana or the author’s exclusive that is not cultivated for the effect obtained as a result of use.

Increased THC in buds

THC is found primarily in trichomes on the buds themselves or (for some varieties) on leaves, stems, and other parts of the plant.

Increasing total resin production in a high THC strain usually increases the share of THC.

Harvesting is recommended at the peak of crop development. This is the period when the trichomes will take on a milky white or whitish tinge, even a few amber trichomes will appear.

As for choice, it is more a matter of preference than anything else. Both techniques like marijuana topping and fiming are perfect for growing marijuana!

marijuana topping

Marijuana Topping

Intersects the upper part of the plant between the nodes on the stem.

Forms two main colas in the upper part of the plant, while LST can be used to create more.

The new cola is evenly spaced (starting from the stem in one place).

Unlike cladding, marijuana topping can be used to reduce plant height during the vegetative phase.

Is more stressful than removal (herbaceous plants take longer to correct the results).

Additional core rods grow at the node where you make the top. Low growth points also start to grow and they can generate even more than the main bet.


Opens the beard but does not cut the stem.

Forms 2-4 main colas in the upper part of the plant and through LST it is possible to create even more.

The created new cola is unevenly distributed throughout the bush.

Does not reduce plant height.

It does not cause stress in plants like topping, so the plants recover faster or do not notice it at all.

In any case, whether you use topping and fiming, if you follow the rules, it will certainly make an even more brittle and dense plant that will grow more than one main cola.

marijuana fiming



As marijuana topping and fiming, remove some of the growth at the end of the cola from the young plant, causing it to refocus one of the cola remaining potential offshoots to create multi-bud cola instead.

If you cut the plant too soon, it will be extremely difficult to restore it. This may sound like a good idea, but you will get the best results and the fastest recovery if you wait for enough knots to form at the top.

Wait for the plant to have at least 3-5 (fiming) or 4-6 nodes (topping), otherwise training the very young seedling will dramatically slow down growth. If you wait until the plant produces new leaves every day, the recovery will be much faster.

marijuana topping guidelines

Growers use the plant’s natural response to exercise to produce compact, branched plants that have plenty of stakes. After entering the cannabis flowering stage, the cola fork allows it to make effective use of indoor growing lights as much as possible to achieve high yields.

If you choose to use any of these methods, you are guaranteed to get the best results when you do it on a young plant, usually 3-6 knots.

If desired, you can start training later, during the growing season, but the bush will develop a longer main stem, which will limit the ability to set the cola the way you want it.

ᲛImportant! Never use this technique during the flowering stage! Too late for fiming and marijuana topping! In fact, any training technique involving pruning or other damage to the cannabis should be optimally performed at the plant growth stage before the cannabis flowering stage begins.


  • Reduce hemp for better structure
  • Cannabis Topping against fiming
  • Useful tips
  • Do not make a top or fim too soon
  • What to do if the hemp is already too high at the flowering stage
  • How to find out if a plant is turning its energy to a new shoot
  • Cannabis topping
  • Cannabis Fimming


These two methods are similar to the controversy between McDonald’s and Burger King, or Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Everyone chooses for himself what the soul bears more. More precisely, not everyone. Experienced manufacturers know exactly the difference and use this or that technique, depending on the situation. With this material, we have a detailed analysis of Cannabis topping and fiming, so the absolute debutant no longer has a single question.

cannabis watering


Cannabis Topping and fiming are two methods of cannabis exercise that involve phishing, or trimming the top of the bush. These methods are designed to enable each grower to achieve the best plant shape (make better use of available light), create larger cones, and produce impressive yields. Cannabis plants do not grow naturally to take full advantage of indoor lighting – a lot of light is lost in the building when cannabis plants are allowed to grow naturally without exercise.

Cannabis Topping

 Arrange the plant from the top between the nodes.

Feeming: Remove the latest growths (but do not cut between the nodes).

Cannabis Topping and fiming are so similar to each other that they form thicker plants for extra cola volume, but they do have some differences.

Note: The unfortunate abbreviation “FIM” means “F * ck I Missed” and refers to growers who accidentally removed the growth surface, instead of cutting the plants completely between the nodes. Feeming has become known as an independent method because it gives slightly different results compared to Cannabis topping (recovery time, cola size, etc.).

In the example above, the right plants were allowed to develop in a completely natural way, resulting in a classical form. Agree, this is not very effective when it comes to building indoors under artificial lighting. There are quite a few strains that are naturally shrubby, but these long, elongated varieties often yield dangerous indoor crops without training. Rusticha was training on the left. This broke the dominance of the main cola and the bush created several additional and quite equivalent ones.

topping of the cannabis

The botanical term is “axial kidney.” They start with new stems or basic cola! They are located at the base of the fan leaves.

Cannabis Topping and fiming circuit for removing or damaging the tip. This reveals the hidden axial buds and gives a signal to the plants to start spending energy on them.

Useful Tips For Cannabis topping And Fiming

  • Here are some additional tips to help you grow perfectly.
  • These growth nodes can become cola when exposed to light and air.

Only gentle methods such as LST or other types of demolition should be used to renew the plant during the flowering stage.

Tips for cannabis maintaining

If you look at the plant at the flowering stage, you will see that it does not grow and does not develop growth nodes after about 6 weeks. It just “focuses” on making the buds. Rating or fiming is not any good at this point. Plant damage at the rash stage often leads to a reduction in final yields because you are simply removing some plants and buds and can cause excessive stress during the critical aphid phase.

CBD cannabidiol products are currently very popular and widespread as they are used to treat many health problems. CBD has been the subject of research for several decades, and despite its proven benefits, it is still banned in many countries.  Find out the benefits as well as the disadvantages of using cannabidiol-containing products.

What is cannabis?

CBD cannabidiol, is popular for its beneficial effects on the body, but first, we will introduce the plant itself.

CBD cannabidiol

Sowing hemp ( Cannabis sativа ) is an ancient medicinal plant, known for several millennia. It contains active substances called cannabinoids, and more than 100 different cannabinoids are extracted from the plant itself. Researchers are focusing on two components – cannabidiol ( CBD, CBD ) and tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC, THC ). The psychoactive THC is certainly better known, but CBD is also well known to scientists and the general public.

There are 3 types of cannabis in the Cannabaceae family

  • Sowing hemp ( Cannabis sativа )
  • Indian hemp ( Cannabis indica )
  • Weed hemp ( Cannabis ruderalis )

Although cannabis and Indian cannabis belong to the same family, they are completely different in appearance and properties. Hemp is cultivated has light green leaves and is a relatively high plant, while hemp Indian resembles a wide shrub with dark green leaves. Another difference is the use of hemp sown has stimulating properties and Indian – relaxing. 

Weed hemp ( Cannabis ruderalis ) is the third type of cannabis that is less well known because, unlike the first two types, it does not have such a strong effect. It is not used for recreational or medical purposes, and it grows quickly, which is beneficial when crossed with other species. 

Cannabis – a plant is known for 10,000 years

Hemp has long been a part of human civilization, and one of the oldest references is the use of hemp rope in pottery in Taiwan. However, cannabis has been around for 10,000 years, which means it may be one of the first crops grown by humans. Carl Sagan (scientist and astronomer) even admits that cannabis can be the first agricultural crop in history

Cannabis history

The modern Chinese seem to be the first to use cannabis. As early as 6000 BC, they included cannabis oil and seeds in their diet and then used it for textile purposes. The first mention of cannabis for medicinal purposes dates back to 2737 BC when the Chinese emperor Shen Nung used cannabis to treat gout and rheumatism. Later, cannabis began to be used throughout the world. 100 BC e. there is the first mention of Chinese hemp paper. By the year 100, cannabis was already being used in the UK, in the second century it was prescribed for medicinal purposes in Greece, and the Hebrew book Talmud also mentioned the “euphoric” properties of this plant. The history of cannabis is extensive and involves many peoples who have recognized the various uses for it.

CBD cannabidiol and other cannabinoids

Cannabinoids are found in several components of cannabis, and out of a total of over 500 compounds, 104 cannabinoids belong to this group. As we mentioned, the most famous ingredients are THC and CBD. Cannabinoids are classified into the following subclasses 

  • Cannabigerol (CBG)
  • Cannabichrome (CBC)
  • Cannabidiol (CBD)
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
  • Cannabinol (CBN)
  • Cannabinoid (CBDL)
  • Other cannabinoids include cannabis clone (CBL), cannabis in (CBE), and cannabidiol (CBT).

Health Benefits of CBD cannabidiol

CBD cannabidiol and epilepsy

CBD is beneficial for patients with epilepsy, and researchers are investigating amounts that may reduce the frequency of seizures in epileptics. According to the American Epilepsy Society, research is underway to understand the safety of using CBD. In this context, it is important to present the results of a 2016 study in which respondents took CBD. The results showed a 36.5% overall reduction in seizures, but 12% had serious side effects

By permitted medications containing CBD, include, for example, Epidiolex, which is also the first drug with CBD, approved by the FDA. Epidiolex is prescribed for patients with rare types of epilepsy – Dravet and Lennox- Gastro syndromes.

Treating depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety are serious problems and are currently being treated with a variety of medications that can have side effects such as drowsiness or headaches. CBD oil may be a natural solution to these problems, as evidenced by a study of 5-7 men. The results were tested on a simulated public performance by participants after using CBD. Participants took CBD 90 minutes before the test, and the 300 mg CBD dose was most effective in reducing anxiety 

Marijuana weed may have a bad reputation in the eyes of public opinion, but the situation is changing rapidly. In the United States, two states have legalized it for consumers using it as a safe alternative to alcohol. While marijuana weed is still illegal in many parts of the world, the Royal Queen team clearly understands that marijuana connoisseurs are often viewed as criminals for no good reason. Many people trust their government because they are regularly and purposefully misled by disinformation campaigns. To help you learn more about the differences between a harmless plant and other fun substances, we have compiled this list to show you why marijuana weed is significantly safer than alcohol. 

marijuana weed

  1. It has a lot of nutrients  

Many people prefer to smoke marijuana weed, but you can also enjoy fresh baked goods made with marijuana. Whether you consume cannabis or Indian cannabis or one of our auto-flowering strains, you can enjoy a medicinal plant that contains essential amino acids and cannabinoids with hundreds of cancer-preventing and nutrition-enhancing ingredients.  

  1. Marijuana weed has a large number of legal indications for medicinal purposes  

Studies have shown that alcohol lowers blood pressure and is the only indication of its medical use. Medical marijuana is beneficial for use in a wide variety of conditions, such as pain relief, in research data. 

  1. Alcohol interferes with the growth of new muscles

 Alcohol can interfere with muscle growth because its consumption lowers the level of the hormone testosterone in the body and also hurts sleep. On the other hand, marijuana weed smokers do not experience any problems that can affect muscle growth. 

  1. Alcohol leads to dangerous decisions 

Consuming alcohol increases the risk of serious injury. One study found that 36 percent of attacks leading to hospitalizations were alcohol-related. On the other hand, studies in the UK have shown that marijuana weed consumption does not lead to risky behavior.  

  1. It is less addictive than alcohol

The US government has now announced that it is in the same category as heroin, and its use is likely to be addictive. Alcohol, on the one hand, is highly addictive and withdrawal symptoms in those who quit drinking can become fatal. Marijuana weed lovers do not experience any of the physical symptoms of withdrawal symptoms.

marijuana less addictive

  1. Taking marijuana weed helps cancer patients while drinking alcohol causes cancer

Alcohol users are at risk of developing cancers of the stomach, esophagus, lungs, pancreas, and liver. It is widely prescribed for people fighting cancer and suffering from the effects of radiation and chemotherapy. In one recent study, researchers found that marijuana users were much less likely to develop head and neck cancer. It also seems highly likely that smoking this can cause cancer, but because it is a powerful expectorant, it can significantly reduce the risk of lung cancer. In a study published in 2006 and conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, researchers found that marijuana smokers were significantly less likely to develop lung cancer when compared to nonsmokers of marijuana. 

  1. It has no harmful effect on the brain

Regular alcohol users harm the brain; marijuana weed has no such effect. Numerous studies have shown that it has several neuroprotective properties that improve brain function. 

  1. It is much cheaper for society than alcohol

Consumers of alcohol create much more pressure on the health care system, which costs him a lot. According to research by the British Columbia Mental Health and Addictions Journal, each alcohol consumer costs society $ 165, while a marijuana consumer costs $ 20. 

  1. You cannot die from a marijuana weed overdose 

You can smoke it as much as you want without ever worrying about the danger of an overdose. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs on the planet and people die every year as a result of drinking too much alcohol. Marijuana is a natural product and if you smoke too much, you may just laugh, eat, or fall asleep a lot.

marijuana benefits

  1. No one dies from using this Marijuana weed

Thousands of people die every year from alcohol. More than 37,000 people die from alcohol consumption each year, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This number does not include the number of accidental deaths. On the other hand, experts at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do not report deaths caused by marijuana use because they simply do not exist.